Friday, January 29, 2016

"You're good, but not as good as the others"

I have always been reminded to be thankful to God for everything I have.

There are always people who are better off or worse off than you.

I mean it's true, i do agree and understand that it's the reality of life.

Theoretically and metaphorically, I get it.

But realistically and literally? I don't.

Knowing something and fully understanding something are two very different things that only seem the same but aren't.

It's just recently that I've learnt what it actually feels like. I used to think I knew how it felt like, but right now, I truly understand.

The truth is that it hurts like crazy.

It hurts knowing that you're good, but not as good as the others.

It hurts being told that you're good, just not as good as the others.

It hurts being so close to something yet so far.

It hurts that no one understands you. And when they try, half of them just end up hurting you even more.

It hurts that you're so sick of explaining why you're upset that you just say you're fine.

It hurts that everything you do never seems to be good enough.

It hurts that you don't have time to deal with your feelings.

It hurts that those feelings in its untouched glory are shoved into an imaginary box.

It hurts that you have to keep away from people in fear of lashing out and hurting them unintentionally.

However, in the midst of it all, it's really nice to know that we aren't alone.

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