Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas 2015.

Let's just say this Christmas has been the best Christmas ever. Hands down.
The whole month had been amusing. Living with Jon, Jane and Alex, I've learnt that there is a lot to be done to keep the Santa Claus fantasy alive. As Alex is at the tender (and adorably adorable) age of two, Jon and Jane did absolutely everything to go all out. I love the fact that they go all out with decorations from the beautiful tree, to the wreath outside and to Christmas ornaments all over. Oh, let's not forget the oats where the reindeer had been, the half bitten mince pie and half eaten carrot by the fireplace along with glitter around the tree. It just made the place so magical.

One of the most amusing thing that the both of them put in so much effort into is the Mischievous Elves. Children are supposed to wake up each morning to find the Mischievous elves doing different activities. One morning the elves may be having a tea-party, the next they may be riding a toy train or even sliding down from the curtains. As I said, it was amazing. When I grow up, regardless to which country I live in, I am going to give my kids the same Christmas experience.

On Christmas day, I hung with their family at Gill's. They are an amazing bunch :) Same thing on Boxing Day, Uncle Hiep - Jane's cool dad, cooked up a feast. Goddd, i must have put on a few kilograms just in two days. Best thing was that it snowed! Well, it sort of snowed.

All in all, it was the best Christmas ever. Thank God for everything. I'm beyond blessed to be living with such an amazing family.

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