Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dedicated to: The beloved Juniors 97'.

Dear Juniors,

First thing's first, I would like to wish you guys all the best for SPM 2014! You guys will do absolutely amazing, don't worry about it. Even if you feel like you won't do that well, it's the effort that counts. I know you guys are at the final lap of high school right now and that everything might get easier after this. It will! You'd enjoy PROM 2014 - Masquerade ;) , parties, outings, hang outs, joyrides, mamak sessions until the wee hours, Ramly as supper and even shopping and travelling! You guys will have so much fun , until college starts. It's a whole different ball game and I'd like to wish you guys luck for it :) x All the best!

Love always, 

Next thing, I'm not going to sugarcoat it but it is true, the more As the better it is in the eyes of basically all colleges. Why? You need the As to prove to them that you're able to study hard and score. And yes, most scholarships are reserved for those with straight As or so. Again, why? The scholarships are given to those who prove themselves worthy on paper regardless of their souls. You can be an absolute tit and still be able to get scholarships with straight As. I do know shitards with absolutely no ethics who've gotten scholarships and are able to dance around parading that stick in a hole they call their asses. I know I'm not doing a great job at encouraging you but that's the truth.Basically, life is unfair. Society is judgemental and will judge you on that piece of paper with results. However, don't lose sleep over that because there are quite a number of doors opened for students with personality and soul over the number of As printed on the paper. What counts in the end is whether or not you have given your all.

If it was up to me, I'd do a full background check on the student- what their peers think of them, what sort of history they had, if they learned from their mistakes etc- before I'd give a scholarship. I think the best type of scholarships would be the type that take into account the student's overall behaviour, personality, IQ as well as EQ. Believe me, I would.

Third thing, if you didn't "apologise" and send out apology mails, don't worry, it won't affect anything. You'd still do fine as long as you did your part. You'll get what you deserve. I'd like to take you back to 2013 where I had an "apology" session (or something) right before SPM. I had absolutely no idea what it was about all the years until 2013 where it clicked into place. Basically, you apologise to absolutely every single bloody person in your path, in case you've hurt their feelings in the past. The belief is that once you do that, you're sort of cleared from the mistakes, hurts and grudges- and that you'll do well in SPM.

It is a very honourable gesture, to ask for forgiveness from your peers and your teachers RIGHT BEFORE SPM to ensure (hopefully) that you'd do well. It really is. Ya know, when you calculate the time you use to actually type an apology note and the time spent messaging people on Facebook, twitter and so on.

I would like to clarify something.

Just because you apologise for something you might or might not have done does NOT mean you will be blessed with great results. You're apologising not because you sincerely want to, but because you're in fear that you don't do well in your exam. If you actually meant it from the bottom of the thing you call a heart, that apology would have been said a long time ago and not before a big exam. What logic is there? I don't think the whole apologising-right-before-exams-just-so-you-can-score makes sense.

If you really are sorry for anything you've done, you'd have apologised a long time ago. Now, that is bravery, ball-sy and genuine. Hats off to that person who've let grudges go a long time ago and seized the second, seized the moment, seized the day.

Carpe Diem.

Anyways yes, i've always wanted to do a post related to this. I am sorry if anyone is offended, that wasn't my intention. However, right now, all I can say is 'Siapa makan cili, dia yang rasa pedas'. Or in another language, 'If the shoe fits, lace it up.

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